Astrology zodiac signs
Astrology zodiac signs

astrology zodiac signs astrology zodiac signs

In astrology, there are “soft” (or easy) aspects (conjunct, sextile, trine) and “hard” aspects (semisextile, square, quincunx, opposite). Will it be a shoot-’em-up action plot, a romantic tearjerker or a “bromantic” comedy? That depends on the TYPE of aspect these two (or more) planets are forming.Īspects are measured by mathematical angles-but we’ll skip the geometry lesson for now and introduce you to them all. There are seven major aspects that astrologers look at-and we reference them all the time in our daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes. Often, these actors will have a “scene” together. Here’s a metaphor: The planets are like actors in the movie of your life, trying on different roles and costumes as they move through the zodiac signs.

astrology zodiac signs

Will you go through a challenging cycle or can you cruise down Easy Street To find out, astrologers track the constant movement of the planets, and how each planet interacts with the others. Will you go through a challenging cycle or can you cruise down Easy Street? To find out, astrologers track the constant movement of the planets, and how each planet interacts with the others. In astrology, the distance between any two planets and zodiac signs is called an aspect. In astrology, the distance between any two planets and zodiac signs is called an aspect.

Astrology zodiac signs