Noodlesoft hazel review
Noodlesoft hazel review

noodlesoft hazel review

Hazel will start monitoring your Downloads folder and whenever it finds a Disk Image File that is more than two days old, it moves the file to the Trash folder.Īnother interesting feature provided by Hazel is App Sweep. Add another if condition – Date added is not in the last 2 days.

noodlesoft hazel review

Add an if condition – Kind is Disk Image.Add the Downloads folder to the Folders pane by clicking the + icon.Open Hazel menu by clicking on the icon in the menu bar.Download Hazel from Noodlesoft and install it.Let’s see how to write a rule to remove the Disk Image Files from your Downloads folder every 2 days. This rule automatically moves all the Image files in the Downloads folder to the Pictures folder and tags them with blue colour

Noodlesoft hazel review